An explanation and step-by-step instructions on the biogenic stimulation method
130+ home remedies for over 80 disorders and 25+ beauty remedies, including moisturizer Cleopatra
Over the years the remedies have been tested by a doctor and many satisfied customers!
If you’re serious about treating your health problems naturally or getting beautiful skin and hair without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive skin care and spa treatments … get this report right now and read it today. If you need to justify the expense, skip going out for dinner once this week and it’s paid for.
From the desk of Yulia Berry, Boston, USA
Dear Friend,
You probably know aloe has been used for centuries to treat burns and scrapes. It’s probably safe to say, you’ve even used it for at least one of those two (that includes sunburns!). Are you aware that aloe is referred to by many researchers as “Nature’s Miracle” because of the dozens upon dozens of other ailments it can treat? Chances are you didn’t.
They have kept it under wraps because they make money through research of disease treating drugs. It takes years and millions of dollars to find a drug, test it, and finally market it. That then funds their next project. It’s a horrible cycle that never ends.
The drug companies don’t have the time (or simply don’t want to) to study the benefits of natural treatments, remedies, and cures. There is no money to be made from anything that can’t be patented. Unfortunately for all of us, they are a business and money is the bottom line. The reality is, today it costs $1 billion to develop a drug for market and without airtight patents to protect it, there is no way for drug companies to get a return on such a massive investment.
Once they get a new drug on the market, the list of side-effects is longer than our commute to work and sometimes worse than what they are supposedly treating.
Contrary to what the drug companies lead you to believe, there are all-natural remedies that are readily available. Aloe is on the top of that list. It has been proven to treat so many ailments that it is referred to as a miracle plant.”
There have been thousands of scientific studies performed on aloe’s healing abilities and still the public has never heard of most of them.
The media will never tell you about these scientific findings because the “big money” drug companies will stop them.
The drug industry does not popularize aloe because drug companies can’t patent an aloe plant (they wish they could!). Aloe has such an amazing chemical composition, proven scientifically, like no other plant. How much does it cost? About $3 – 5 per plant.
In clinical studies of whole-leaf Aloe vera’s internal and external uses during the past six months, I have personally witnessed mitigations or complete resolutions of the following:
Abrasions, Colds, Herpes simplex & zoster, Staph infections, Acne, Colic, Menstrual cramps & irregularity, Ulcerations, Allergies, Denture (gum) sores, Nausea, Burns, Epstein, Barr virus, Chronic fatigue, Hypertension, Stings, Actinic keratoses, Constipation, Infections, Sunburns, Ulcerative colitis, Arthritis, Dermatitis, Parasites (especially protozoan infections), Vaginitis, Radiation dermatitis, Warts, Viral infections, AIDS, Contusions, Insect bites, Tendinitis, Allergic reactions, (reversal of anaphalaxis), Dandruff, Boils, Diabetes, Peptic & duodenal ulcers, Varicose veins, Bruises, Edema, Psoriasis
…I know you must be thinking that no one plant or product could affect – in some positive way – all of the above. If so, it would be a miracle. Webster defines a miracle as “an extraordinary event manifesting outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment; and a divinely natural occurrence that must be learned humanly.” By this definition, it is no wonder why thousands of Aloe vera users worldwide have commonly referred to it as a “miracle plant.”
Is Aloe vera really a miracle plant? Many facts and continued research are available, so you may decide for yourself. Organized medicine and pharmacology have not embraced Aloe, because it cannot be patented and its usage threatens literally hundreds of prescription and non-prescription drugs. Aloe vera is hypoallergenic and has no known side effects even in large doses.”
Perhaps the most remarkable studies concern the effect of aloe fractions on the status of patients with HIV which causes AIDS. The polysaccharide fraction of aloe was shown to exhibit antiviral activity and enhance immune cell function.
“The healing benefits of Aloe vera have been recorded throughout the world for
thousands of years. The American medical and pharmaceutical communities most likely have not accepted it because it can’t be patented nor a prescription written for it.”
Perhaps the most remarkable studies concern the effect of aloe fractions on the status of patients with HIV which causes AIDS. The polysaccharide fraction of aloe was shown to exhibit antiviral activity and enhance immune cell function.
Aloe vera improves wound healing and inhibits inflammation.
Aloe inhibits the growth of some of the most dangerous microbes.
…Aloe vera has an unlimited future in new applications, and I sense in dentistry we are just on the cutting edge of promising utilization for anti-inflammatory procedure, antiviral, and immunological benefits for our patients.
Aloe Vera will speed up the healing of a burn or some damaged eczematous skin just as well as it will heal a mouth ulcer or even a stomach ulcer or a problem of the bowel lining – all epithelial tissue.
When the pharmaceutical industry approaches the question “How does aloe vera gel work?”, the answer is to determine which individual chemical component of an aloe vera plant is contributing to its healing activity.
There are several aloe based products on the market right now. This is in response to the fact that the benefits of aloe are slowing slipping out to the public. The problem with most of these products is that they have been over-processed which renders the aloe nearly useless.
A loophole that is widely used throughout manufacturing.
The key ingredient in aloe vera is mucopolysaccharides [MPS] (long-chain sugars) that have very strong antiseptic, anti inflammatory, anti-viral, anti tumor and immunomodulatory properties proven scientifically. The polysaccharides or long-chain carbohydrates in aloe have an amazing ability to pass through the stomach and digestive tract and move into the circulatory system without being digested by the enzyme systems in the human digestive tract. They are absorbed by a process called endocytosis and taken up into the cell intact. These mannose-containing molecules are then extruded into the circulatory system, where they are able to fulfill their immune-supporting functions.
Aloe vera gel used externally helps with acne, sunburns, thermal and radiation burns, boils, dandruff, gum sores, dermatitis, edemas, hemorrhoids, inflammation in the eyes, insect bites and stings, psoriasis, skin rashes and irritations, ulcers, varicose veins, warts, wounds and wrinkles.
When you apply freshly squeezed aloe vera gel on the affected area of the skin, it creates a protective coating which speeds up the healing process, decreases swelling and redness, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, promotes synthesis of collagen in tissue and prevents blisters in case of burns.
Taken internally, it reduces inflammation which is involved in such diseases as ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and gastritis, helps with the reduction of blood sugar with both type I and II diabetes and has a powerful healing effect on AIDS, cancer, tumors and many different immune system disorders. Mucopolysaccharides found in aloe vera are very effective intracellular antioxidants which is very important in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, heart disorders and Parkinson’s disease.
Properly preparing aloe is the only way to maximize its potential.
The Biogenic Stimulation Method was proven scientifically in 1930s and has already been successfully used by traditional and folk medicines in treating various diseases in the last 70 years. It has passed prolonged clinical tests and has been highly appraised in many countries.
This method is very easy to do at home and it is used in home remedies as a very effective treatment of such serious diseases, like stomach cancer, mastopathy, radiation burns and serious skin disorders.
Read step-by-step instructions and the information on the doctor who came up with this method in 1930s.
Yulia Berry’s book “Aloe- Your Miracle Doctor,” contains an abundance of useful remedies and treatments. I prefer them to many of the more expensive commercial products.
Martha McFadden, M.D.
Hi Julia
I just finished reading your book. It is very interesting and I greatly enjoyed it. I am going to try some of the remedies. I have an Aloe plant, now I will put it to use. I also printed out the pages.
Diane Seremetis, Holbrook, MA USA
Hi Yulia
Thanks for all the wonderful information. I read the Aloe book and I think it’s great. I read it in one sitting.
Tommy Pereira, CT USA
Dear Yulia,
I had never given much thought to the plant, itself, except as noting it as an ingredient on the labels of various commercial products that I have used.
It is surprising to read of the many beneficial uses the leaves have when prepared in the proper way and either applied externally or taken internally in either liquid or solid form. I plan to experiment a little with a few of your home remedy recipes. An interesting read.
Loretta Collins, Norwell, MA, USA
Hi, Yulia,
It sounds totally amazing–I am going out to the Natural Food Store right now to see what kind of aloe products they have, as well as getting a plant. Good luck in your ventures—you seem to be very dedicated and thorough in your research.
Avis Pritzker, USA
Hi, Yulia!
The book is great, lots of information, so much useful stuff. I think that everyone should have this book, ‘cos this plant can change human’s life. I know from a personal experience.
Andrea Kostelic,
Osijek, Croatia
Dear Yulia,
It’s so refreshing to find remedies using all natural substances. With so many truly bad side effects to today’s medications, it’s nice to be able to cure oneself using what you probably already have in your fridge or cupboards.
After major kidney surgery this past summer that left me with a sizable scar, I was in sticker shock over the costs of scar reducing medications. After reading through “Aloe – Your Miracle Doctor” and a search for an aloe plant (not easy in Buffalo, NY), I decided to use topical aloe to diminish my scar. The results have been amazing! Let’s just say that I’ll be bikini-ready for next summer.
I can’t wait to try some of the other remedies,
particularly those for dry skin. Something we have in abundance in the frigid Northeastern winters.
I recently finished reading your second book,
“Pharmacy in Vegetables” and look forward to trying these recipes, as well as saving tons of money at the drugstore.
Your books are very well written and provide the essentials to start using natural cures right away.
I also like the links to getting the very best in
needed ingredients. Thanks so much for helping me and my budget.
Nedra Hebborn,
Buffalo, NY
• Arthritis
• Asthma
• Bronchial Asthma
• Colds: a Virus, Angina, Bronchitis, Cough, Flu, High Fever, Sinusitis and Rhinitis, Tonsillitis, Stuffy Nose, Pharyngitis, Pneumonia
• Chronic Colitis
• Constipation
• Corns
• Cystitis
• Dental Related Disorders: Bleeding Gums, Stomatitis
• Depression
• Dizziness
• Dyspepsia
• Endomeritis
• Enteritis
• Eye Disorders: Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Sty or Inflammation of the Lid and Puffiness
• Fibromyoma
• Fistula
• Foot Fungus
• Gastritis
• Headaches: Regular Headaches, Migraines
• Heart Disorders: The Period After A Heart Attack, Angina Pectoris and Ischemia, Before A Stroke Condition, Heart Failure, Heart Spasms, Rapid Heartbeat, Stenocardia, Tachycardia and Arrhythmia
• Hemorrhoids
• High Blood Pressure
• Impotency
• Mastopathy
• Menopausal Syndrome
• Nervous Exhaustion
• Neurodermatitis
• Neurosis
• Nose Bleeding
• Liver Disorders: Pain In Liver and Gall Bladder, Gall Stones, Pancreatitis, Liver Colic and Cholecystitis
• Polyarthritis
• Shortness Of Breath
• Skin Disorders: Bedsores, Boils, Bruises, Burns, Cuts, Frostbite, Hives, Psoriasis, Radiation Burns
• Splinters
• Stomach Cancer
• Stomach Ulcer and Duodenum Ulcer
• Strengthening Your Immune System
• Tuberculosis: Lung and Bone
Tuberculosis, Lung Cavity
• Warts
• Whooping Cough
• Cleansing Masks
• Acne
• Anti-Wrinkle Masks
• Anti Wrinkle Homemade Moisturizer/Treatment ‘Cleopatra’
• Masks For Any Skin Type
• Hair Loss
• Hair Thinning
• Oily Hair
• Treatment For Dry Faded Hair or Hair That Was Damaged By The Sun Or Permanent Wave
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Cras metus quam, condimentu venen rutrum ediam. Sed vehicquis.
Cras metus quam, condimentu venen rutrum ediam. Sed vehicquis.
Menstruating or pregnant women should not use Aloe Vera, in any form, to relieve constipation Aloe Vera is a wonder
Read MoreAloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in the treatment of acne. Aloe Vera has been
Read MoreAloe Vera , known as the healing plant, is easy to care for indoors or in the garden. It is
Read MoreThe Aloe plant (scientific name Aloe vera) is a succulent originally from Africa. In the 16th century, Aloe Vera reached
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In clinical studies of whole-leaf Aloe vera’s internal and external uses during the past six months, I have personally witnessed mitigations or complete resolutions of the following: Hypertension Stings Actinic keratoses Constipation Infections Sunburns Ulcerative colitis Arthritis Dermatitis Parasites (especially protozoan infections) Vaginitis Radiation dermatitis Warts Viral infections AIDS Contusions Insect bites Tendinitis Allergic reactions (reversal of anaphalaxis) Dandruff Boils Diabetes Peptic
A miracle plant
Hedendal, Bruce Eric (DC, PhD). (N.D.).
In clinical studies of whole-leaf Aloe vera’s internal and external uses during the past six months, I have personally witnessed mitigations or complete resolutions of the following: Hypertension Stings Actinic keratoses Constipation Infections Sunburns Ulcerative colitis Arthritis Dermatitis Parasites (especially protozoan infections) Vaginitis Radiation dermatitis Warts Viral infections AIDS Contusions Insect bites Tendinitis Allergic reactions (reversal of anaphalaxis) Dandruff Boils Diabetes Peptic
A miracle plant
Hedendal, Bruce Eric (DC, PhD). (N.D.).
In clinical studies of whole-leaf Aloe vera’s internal and external uses during the past six months, I have personally witnessed mitigations or complete resolutions of the following: Hypertension Stings Actinic keratoses Constipation Infections Sunburns Ulcerative colitis Arthritis Dermatitis Parasites (especially protozoan infections) Vaginitis Radiation dermatitis Warts Viral infections AIDS Contusions Insect bites Tendinitis Allergic reactions (reversal of anaphalaxis) Dandruff Boils Diabetes Peptic
A miracle plant
Hedendal, Bruce Eric (DC, PhD). (N.D.).
Donec in metus lectus. Integer vulputate porta elit, fringilla mollis mag luctus vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in fauci. Pellentesque in aliquam enim, quis lobortis arcu. Curabitur quis ultrices est.
metus lectus. Integer vulputate porta elit, fringilla mollis mag luctus vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in fauci. Pellentesque in aliquam enim, quis lobortis arcu psum primis in fauci. Pellentesque in aliquam Integer vulputate porta elit, fringilla mollis mag luctus vel. Integer vulputate porta elit, fringilla mollis mag luctus vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in fauci. Pellentesque in aliquam enim, quis lobortis arcu. Curabitur quis ultrices est.
If you’re serious about treating your health problems naturally or getting beautiful skin and hair without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive skin care and spa treatments … get this report right now and read it today. If you need to justify the expense, skip going out for dinner once this week and it’s paid for.
Fight 80 disorders from your own kitchen!
130+ remedies for 80+ disorders plus over 25 beauty remedies, including a super moisturizer "Cleopatra"
The author Yulia Berry has taken years to collect these long-used recipes, found other clinically studied formulas, and conducted many interviews to form one easy-to-read and follow eBook on Aloe. Everything from its history down to its modern day uses has been included.
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