a furnished Landing apartment

Unlock flexibility

Live anywhere,
any time

Prefer to talk? Give us a call at 415-231-1701

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More than an apartment, a new way to live

With premium furnished apartments and local concierge in 375+ U.S. cities, you can live on your terms. Instantly book and check-in to experience the Landing difference.

Start here, live anywhere

With over 7,000 apartments in our network, you're free to roam with Landing.

Flexibility for your lifestyle

Whether you're exploring the country or staying in one city for a while, you'll feel at home when you live with us.

Explore more with Landing Standby

Live in the network for just $1,495/mo. Transfer when your home gets booked.

Looking for corporate housing?

Book and manage reservations for your business team.

woman browsing Landing for homes

As easy as 1-2-3

Say goodbye to the uncertainty of moving and hello to a better way to live. From booking to check-in, you're never out of your comfort zone.

1. Find your Landing

Discover and reserve your curated, fully-equipped apartment online within minutes. Our approval process is seamless.

2. Check-in

View all your reservation details in the and check-in to your new, fully furnished apartment.

Feel at ease with our 7 Day Guarantee

If you're not completely satisfied with your stay within your first week, we will help you transfer to a new apartment or provide a refund for any unused nights.

3. Keep living with Landing

Extend your stay or find a new apartment to call home. Our network is yours to explore.

Unmatched care for our customers

From routine maintenance to help with navigating a new city, we're here for you.

24/7 Local Support

24/7 Local Support

We have on-the-ground managers with local expertise and always-on support for all your needs.



From check-in to cleaning, manage everything in the Landing app.

Don't take it from us

Discover why our members love to live with Landing.

The best decision we've made in a long time was breaking free from traditional leases.Parker and Kyle

Select a Member

couple arriving at apartment with luggage

Membership has its benefits

Become a Landing member to enjoy additional savings, offers, and other perks.

Save up to 10% on all reservations and never pay service fees

Check-in as early as 9am (depending on availability)

Access exclusive offers from partners including CLEAR, PODS, Ikon Pass, and more

a furnished Landing apartment

Get started

Find and reserve your Landing in minutes

Prefer to talk? Give us a call at 415-231-1701